News Listing


IMPA and CHIRP Maritime have collaborated on an awareness video ahead of the 2024 IMPA Safety Campaign 2024.


IMPA was invited by the IMO Secretary General, Arsenio Dominguez, to attend a briefing for non-governmental organisations. These briefings are important opportunities for the IMO Secretary General to keep observers like IMPA informed about developments at IMO and its priorities.


IMPA has launched its Annual Safety Campaign and Survey again in 2024, supported by a refreshed reporting App. The Campaign will run from 1 - 15 October 2024, and the results will be submitted to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2025.


IMPA is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Canadian National Centre of Expertise on Maritime Pilotage and the Canadian Coast Guard to rigorously explore remote pilotage to ground-truth its feasibility, readiness, and impacts on safe navigation practices and systems.


Shipping industry calls for action following the attack on the MV Tutor and cargo ship Verbena


IMPA's expert team in pilot transfer arrangements has recently developed an informative document titled 'Pilot Transfer Operations.' This document aims to provide information to pilot organisations and/or competent pilotage authorities on the conduct of pilot transfer operations.


The International Maritime Organization is currently accepting nominations for the IMO Honours for Exceptional Bravery at Sea. Submissions are open until 15 April 2024.


In our commitment to address the Human Element in the maritime industry, IMPA has recently initiated collaborations with maritime charities. Our goal is to raise awareness about the crucial role played by the estimated 1.89 million seafarers who make global trade possible. 

As a starting point for this initiative, the 'Community Section' of the International Pilot magazine will now feature ...


It is with great sadness that we report the tragic death of Francesco Galia, a highly
experienced UK Maritime Pilot, whilst transferring from a pilot transfer boat to a large
ocean going vessel. We extend our deepest condolences to loved ones, friends and
colleagues, and offer our support to all those affected by this terrible news.


We are delighted to inform you that IMPA was awarded the SAFETY4SEA Initiative Award 2022 for its Safety Campaigns! Thanks for your support